SCNP 2nd Virtual Meeting
APRIL 21st 2022, 14.00-17.00
- 14.00 - 14.05: Welcome
- 14.05 - 14.35:Henry Karlsson, University of Turku, Finland: Brain and Eating Disorders.
- 14.35 - 15.05: Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital and University of Bergen, Norway: Molecular effects of Lithium treatment in induced pluripotent stem cell s(iPSCs)-derived models.
- 15.05 - 15.20: BREAK
- 15.20 - 15.50: Daniel Lindqvist, Lund University, Sweden: Precision treatment of depression - current research trends and experiences from Lund.
- 15.50 - 16.20: Søren Dinesen Østergaard, Aarhus University, Denmark: The PSYchiatric clinical outcome prediction (PSYCOP) cohort: leveraging the potential of electronic health records in the treatment of mental disorders.
- 16.20 - 16.50: Guðrún Dóra Bjarnadóttir, Landspitali University Hospital, Iceland: Intravenous use of Methylphenidate in Iceland.
- 16.50 - 17.00: Concluding remarks