Giulia Treccani
I started my training in the research field in June 2008 at the laboratory of molecular and cellular pharmacology of purinergic transmission, University of Milan, directed by Prof. Maria Pia Abbracchio. In this laboratory I have contributed to the characterization of the functional role of a new G protein receptor (GPR17) in differentiated PC12 cells. After my internship I discussed my master thesis in Pharmacy in October 2009 (magna cum laude).
I was admitted in 2010 to the International PhD program in Neuropharmacology under the supervision of Prof. Maurizio Popoli, University of Milan. My project concerned the effects of stress and glucocorticoids on glutamatergic synapses, using multiple approaches, included functional imaging and molecular biology. In February 2013 I defended my PhD thesis on the glutamatergic hypothesis of depression and the role of stress, glucocorticoids and antidepressant drugs on glutamatergic transmission. After my PhD I spent a training period in the laboratory of Stereology and Electron Microscopy of Prof. Jens R. Nyengaard at the Danish Neuroscience Centre at the University Hospital of Aarhus (Denmark).
Currently, I am a post doc at Translation Neuropsychiatry Unit, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University and I am working together with Dr. Heidi Müller on the effects of ketamine on glutamatergic transmission.